Monday, July 13, 2015

Day 2- Geneva to Corning

Okay, my bad, Geneva is on Lake Seneca, not on the fictional Lake Geneva! Apologies to all my Upstate friends. So day two was a day for the "youts" to ride together without their parents. Here's the 2nd gen of the Anchor House ride before the start of their ride.

So our riding group today was just the Anchor House vets- just like the old days. We left Geneva after breakfast at a local place recommended by a friend and then enjoyed lovely views of Lake Seneca as we headed south.

Another nice summer day for cycling- it got into the mid 80's, and at times got a little hot. It was hillier then expected (2900 feet of climbing) but the biggest factor was a fairly strong headwind from the south all day. We passed by lovely farms, sprinkled with Amish farms. Interestingly we saw Amish riding bicycles which is a first at least for me. They are not allowed to "trap air" but apparently they're riding bikes with tires made of solid rubber. I didn't take any photos out of respect.

The first sag stop was entertaining- a really nice ball field nestled into a cornfield. Field of Dreams, right? That's what we all thought.

So who did we see coming out of the corn in center field? Why clipless Joe Jackson, on a bike. Astonishing!

DJ and I did what any Anchor House rider would do- helped out a fellow rider with a flat tire. Here's some action shots of the boys at work. It's the Anchor House way- everyone looking out for each other.

By Sag 3 at mile 50, we were pretty much out of gas and were very happy to eat lunch at Dandy's- a local sandwich shop next to the sag stop. Moods improved quickly with nourishment!

We arrived in lovely Corning around 2:45 pm, logging 62 miles for the day. A short day, but it felt long due to the headwind. Many thanks to my awesome cycling buddies- Jack Hayon, DJ Varner, Diamond Jim Brady, Ken Gordon and Ken Naglak. A fun crew to ride with for sure! Tomorrow we're movin' on to Pennsylvania. A hilly day three, with a good chance of showers and thunderstorms. Always an adventure on the Anchor House ride, but it's for the kids! As evidenced by the plaque we all signed for everyone back at the House- Drop Anchor where your heart is. Good words to live by.


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